All because 2 people fell in Love

Sunday, August 30, 2009

So Much Blogging to do with so little time to catch up!

Here are some pics from our last month or two. Since our computer is back up now and I promised to have pics back up last week and that didn't happen (Ooops! - Sorry!!!!) I'm just going to randomly add a bunch of pics. Smooches! Hope everyone is fabulous!!!

Savvy and Papa.
Savvy and Grammy

Savvy getting smooches from Daddy

Savvy and Mommy

Little Sweet Pea - She's made a little snuggle cocoon with the bumper in her crib.
We went to Movies Under The Stars at Cabezon Park. Had a great time and took some cute pics...

Auntie Sessa and Me
Savvy and Mommy
Book, Book, Book, a word we know very well in our house. Savannah LOVES her Books!!!
Savvy was eating lunch and I was cleaning up the kitchen. One minute she was talking then, I looked over and she was asleep. So Funny!

At the park with Daddy. Fun!
I'm off to update my craft blog now - I've been REALLY busy with crafting. I just joined Stampin' Up! as a Demonstrator - YAY!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bloggin' about not bloggin' ...

Our main computer has a virus so, until we get it fixed I won't be able to post pics :(. Bummer! Just wanted to let y'all know. It will hopefully be back up and running really soon. Smooches.