All because 2 people fell in Love

Monday, March 23, 2009

Vanessa's 18th Birthday ...

My baby sister just turned 18 - Who let that happen?

Vanessa opening her presents.

While the big kids played pool and hung out upstairs the little kids hung out and looked adorable downstairs. There were lots of giggles from Riley and Savannah. Precious!
Natalie, Bree and Shaina - All Sass, All the Time! Vanessa has been friends with these girls since her Freshman year. It's been so great to see them grow up. They're so involved in school, sports and student council. Soon they'll all be heading off to college in different directions. I can't believe it!

Savvy and P-Pop making silly faces at each other.

Per Vanessa's request Mom made a big pot of posole and two big trays of green chile chicken enchiladas along with fideo. I made an ooey gooey butter cake and queso. It was all so yummy!
Vanessa has become quite the baker. She made her own Birthday bundt cake with sprinkles.

Kiss me I'm Irish!

Our girl all decked out in green....

With Auntie Sessa

With P-Pop

and with Grammy. Too Cute!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Savvy is 11 months old ...

Every month on the 11th I think Wow! another month is here already. It makes me reflect on how fast this last year has gone. Each month we see our little girl grow and learn new things. It is so amazing to watch. Here are some pics from earlier today of our little 11 month old. She wasn't really into taking her afternoon nap so, I got her out of the crib for a little photo session. Brian and I are absolutely enjoying being parents. It is everything we thought it would be and more! Brian's eyes light up when he comes home and Savannah is so tickled to see him. There is such a beautiful bond between them. Awwww. Enjoy the pics. Love, The McCollums

Walking isn't too far away.
Happy Baby!!!

Too Cute for Words!