All because 2 people fell in Love

Friday, September 26, 2008

Homecoming Game - Go Knights!

Last night was Del Norte's Homecoming Game. We won 24 -7 against West Mesa. Whooo Hooo! As a family we went to cheer them on. We were all dressed in our turquoise, black and white. It was Savannah's first football game and I found myself covering her little ears because of the cheering crowd behind us. We purposely sat farther away from the big crowd but, you can't muffle the winning teams fans! DN was in the lead the whole game. Grammy and P-Pop were there too and Vanessa went back and forth between her friends 'the rowdies' and us. We had so much fun. Go Knights! I love all of the school spirit these girls show. I'm so impressed at how involved Vanessa is in school activities. This is her last year of high school. Wow! Where has the time gone?

Vanessa and Savannah at half time

All sass - All the time!

The girls showing school spirit at the game

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here are some adorable pics of bathtime today. Grammy took her grandgirl to get her ears pierced this last weekend. She looks so cute with her bling! After her bath Savvy snuggled in her robe while we picked out her outfit for today. So Precious!

All Clean and Snuggly

Baby's Pierced Ears - Too Cute!

Bathtime ...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

MMmm... Good!

Savannah loves her pears and cereal! Here she is saying Mmmmm... while I'm feeding her. She loves bananas and applesauce too but, she's not so crazy about peaches. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Savvy is 5 months old today!

I can't believe how much our little love has grown! She just gets cuter by the day! Her Great Grandma and Great Auntie loved this outfit on her so, I took some pics of her in it with her foo foo flower hairband that I made yesterday. She's so adorable. These pics just make me smile. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Savannah has been doing so great at rolling over all by herself! She can go from her back to her tummy but, hasn't quite figured out how to get back. She's sitting up with a little help but, would rather stand. Her legs are so strong. She loves to stand up and look around. Here are pics of her in her crib from yesterday. She was just talking away and pushing up on her arms. Tomorrow she'll be 5 months old! WOW! Our little girl is growing so fast.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our San Antonio Trip ...

We had so much fun in San Antonio! Our TX family got to meet our girl for the first time. It was fantastic! We took lots and lots of pics. I'm so happy she was able to meet her Great Grandparents! She loved meeting her Great Aunt BB, Uncle Terry, Deanna and Mike too. Kim and Ash came up for the weekend for some 'Savannah Sugar' and my good friend Lise just happened to be in town so we got to hang out with her too. Also, Mom decided to take a trip to SA at the same time so we had most of the family there. Debby and Javier were so generous to let Brian, Savannah and I as well as Kim and Ash stay at their house while they were away. We spent most of our time at Aunt BB and Uncle Terry's house. They made sure we were fed and taken care of the whole time - Thanks Aunt BB and Uncle Terry! Their home has gotten even more beautiful. Uncle Terry has done some amazing landscaping and even though it was warm and humid we enjoyed sitting out on the porch swing. The deer came out everyday. It was greatness. We also managed to get some shopping in. We went on a mad chase to find a craft store that I had seen online. Thanks family! Ashley and I went to have pedicures too! (There's always time for a pedi) Gotta get my 'Auntie Time' in! Savannah was so enveloped with everything, the attention, the being held and all of the new people in her life, she wanted to be in the middle of it all. So much so that she didn't want to take her naps and we know how the McCollum's get when we don't get our sleep! (giggle, giggle) She finally got a good nights rest after being beyond exhausted and recharged her little battery and was ready for more the next day. All in all it was an excellent vaca! Fabulous Memories ....

Love and Smooches,
The McCollums

Pics from our San Antonio Trip