All because 2 people fell in Love

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life is great

I can't believe it's been an entire month since I've last posted. We've been so busy!! Savannah and I are very involved in MOMS Club. I've just been voted in as Membership Vice President and am super excited about it. I haven't had the camera out alot this month but, I have managed to get a few cute shots of our girl. Brian is working hard and we cherish every minute we get to share together with our sweet little 21 month old girl. Hope your January was amazing!

Some of the expressions that this child makes are so funny! She's very animated. :)

Love those piggy tails.

What a cutie!!

Here's a pic of Savvy getting her piggies done. She's such a wiggle worm. What we do for beauty!!