All because 2 people fell in Love

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Professional Photographs

We had our professional family pics done today and we had a lot of fun! Here are a few out of the 81 that were taken. We're looking forward to Christmas and we'll have lots more pics to share next week. Happy Holidays Everyone! - The McCollum Family

The best picture - I love this one of my two favorite people!

I could just eat her up with a spoon she's so cute!

This pose was Vanessa's idea and it came out smashingly well.

Aww... sweet family.

Savannah did so good throughout the photo session.
She looks so adorable! Our little Christmas angel.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8 months old ...

Savvy Kay turned 8 months old this week. She's growing so much and those 2 bottom teeth are expected to come in any day now. Here's some cute pics of our 8 month old. Adorable!

Click, click, click

Savvy has been practicing her clicking sounds. She was doing them before I turned the camera on and as soon as I called action, she was pretty much over it. Well, the video is still cute. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Princess after her bath...

Savannah is doing so good at standing up. She's trying to walk when holding on to something. I can't believe our little love is going to be 8 months old next week. It's going by so fast. I'm loving every second!

Gitty Up ...

We saw this cute horse at Sam's and couldn't resist sitting Savvy on it.
I think we were way more amused than she was. Yep - Pretty Much!

Cute pics of our girl ...

Hey Family and Friends - I've been a little behind on updating the blog the last 2 weeks. Ooops! Sorry! I'm going to make up for it by putting lots of pics of our girl on and some cute video too.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving at Mom's, we ate lots of turkey and yummy stuff. The next morning I woke up (at 3 AM) and joined my girlfriend Stacey and the ladies in her family for their Black Friday Shopping Extravaganza. I've never gone out on Black Friday but, these ladies have made a tradition of it. They don't mess around! I've NEVER shopped like that! 10 hours of go, go, go. Shweeew. We did find some amazing deals! We were one of the first 50 people at Old Navy so, we got a free MP3 Player which is all my honey wanted from the shopping trip so, BONUS! Anyway, we had lots of fun. It required a day of recouping though. I'm definetely planning on going next year. I'm hooked. I hope everyone had a magnificent Thanksgiving.

Toast or Toy - That is the question

Which one will reign supreme? Watch and see ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Savvy's New View ...

Auntie Kiki and Cousin Ashley sent an early Christmas gift for their little ladybug ... A highchair! When we got back from San Antonio, Daddy had his girls highchair all set up and ready to go. She loves her new viewing and playing spot. She's up and gets to see everything, which as most of you know, she loves to be in the middle of the action. I wonder who she gets that from?

7 months old

On our San Antonio Trip our little love turned 7 months old. Here she is with her new babydoll that her Great Aunt BB gave her. She loves the ribbon on her new doll. She especially loves to slurp on it. Too cute!

Savvy and her GG pa

We just took a spur of the moment trip out to San Antonio. My Grandma was in the hospital not doing so well. So, Mom, Savvy and I packed up and drove out. She's doing better now, she's out of the ICU and her surgery went well. YAY! Thanks to everyone for your prayers! While we were there we got some quality time with my Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. Here's Savvy with her GG pa snuggling in the rocking chair.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Little Pumpkin ...

Here's our little pumpkin sitting up so good. I'm very impressed with my kid if you can't tell.
We had such a full day. We went to visit Bri at work and to take all of the girls that he works with some halloween treats. They were so surprised. They love when Savannah comes to visit.

Those little fingers are always in her mouth. She's still teething but, nothing has poked through those gums just yet.

Her P-Pop and Auntie Vanessa got her this little pumpkin costume.
Her shirt says This is my costume! The little hat says Baby's First Halloween
and the socks have pumpkin faces on them. I put a little barrette on the hat to make it a bit more girly.

Savvy and her Grammy ...

Here's Grammy making her little 'grand girl' giggle. Savannah
adores her Grammy! She lights up every time she sees her.

Savvy helped hand out candy to the kids. Mom made a pot of Green Chile Stew and we hung out. It was fabulous! We had such a great time looking at all of the cute costumes that came by too. There are hundreds of kids in Moms neighborhood - No Exaggeration!
The cutest though, besides my little pumpkin was a little girl (20 months) wearing a Nemo costume. Her mom said 'wave your little tail' and she turned around and shook her little bum. How Cute! Mom and I have already cooked up a costume idea for next year for her and Savvy - You'll just have to wait and see what it is. Clue: Spots!

Tuckered Out ...

Our Little Pumpkin after a whole day of halloweening.
She was soooo sleepy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bundled Up ...

Savannah re-bundled herself up after her morning nap. I found her scooched to the side of her crib, laying the opposite way that I had put her down and with the big blanket bunched up over her little face. She had kicked off her blanket when I had checked on her a few minutes earlier. She's so funny. These pics are too cute. I thought you'd enjoy them.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bunnies, Toesies and Chicks, Oh My!

Here's our girl in her little snuggle bunny outfit. (3 months size) She's still so tiny. Every week we go for a walk with a Mamas Group that I started. It's been pretty chilly so we get bundled up good. This is the perfect little outfit for Savvy to wear. I think I'll see if I can find one in my size - She looks so comfy!

Toesies ...

Savannah has discovered her toesies! She loves to gnaw on her little toes.
The other day I discovered a wet sock (on her foot) and wondered how did that happen?
Well, the mystery is over, now we know. So Funny!

Silly Face - Too cute not to share.

Cute Chick ....

Here's our little 'Cute Chick' balancing
while sitting up all by herself.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Savvy in her Party Dress - 6 Months Old

My Moms Birthday was on Saturday and Savvy turned 6 months (1/2 Birthday) on Saturday.
We dressed her in her pretty party dress for the day. Isn't she precious! I can't believe that our girl is already 6 months old. So sweet.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's a bird, it's a plane, It's a HOT AIR BALLOON!

It's that time of year again! The International Balloon Fiesta has begun and the sky is filled with lots of beautiful balloons. The Fiesta brings lots of tourists, great photo opps, dogs barking like crazy (I think they think they're aliens?) and waking up really early to get to the balloon field to see the whole process unfold. It truly is a magnificent event! I took some snapshots of the balloons taking off while I was sitting in traffic. Enjoy!

More Balloons .....

Balloons ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Little Angel ...

Each week when it's laundry day Savvy and I will sit on the floor in the nursery and fold ,chat and read, she LOVES story time everyday! Anyway, she's been doing the cutest thing lately - she sparatically "flaps her wings" she's already an angel so it totally fits. It's so cute that I just had to share it with you. That's our girl!

Our Little Angel - flapping her wings ...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Homecoming Game - Go Knights!

Last night was Del Norte's Homecoming Game. We won 24 -7 against West Mesa. Whooo Hooo! As a family we went to cheer them on. We were all dressed in our turquoise, black and white. It was Savannah's first football game and I found myself covering her little ears because of the cheering crowd behind us. We purposely sat farther away from the big crowd but, you can't muffle the winning teams fans! DN was in the lead the whole game. Grammy and P-Pop were there too and Vanessa went back and forth between her friends 'the rowdies' and us. We had so much fun. Go Knights! I love all of the school spirit these girls show. I'm so impressed at how involved Vanessa is in school activities. This is her last year of high school. Wow! Where has the time gone?

Vanessa and Savannah at half time

All sass - All the time!

The girls showing school spirit at the game

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here are some adorable pics of bathtime today. Grammy took her grandgirl to get her ears pierced this last weekend. She looks so cute with her bling! After her bath Savvy snuggled in her robe while we picked out her outfit for today. So Precious!

All Clean and Snuggly

Baby's Pierced Ears - Too Cute!